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Farm Not Working

Posted: 02 Nov 2021, 20:58
by inihendry
BOT Ver Beta
Travian Ver 45 - TS9 International

Code: Select all

10/31/2021 11:42:52 AM: Error opening address ''!
10/31/2021 11:44:46 AM: The exception occurred!
10/31/2021 11:44:46 AM: Type: EConvertError App version:
10/31/2021 11:44:46 AM: Message: '' is not a valid integer value
10/31/2021 11:44:46 AM: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Call Stack ------------------------------------------------------------------------
10/31/2021 11:44:46 AM: > [00427AF5] System.SysUtils.ConvertErrorFmt
10/31/2021 11:44:46 AM: > [0042905C] System.SysUtils.StrToInt
10/31/2021 11:44:46 AM: > [00E291E5] Main.TfmMain.N66Click (Line 58142, "Main.pas")
10/31/2021 11:44:46 AM: > [00647D80] Vcl.Menus.TMenuItem.Click (Line 2548, "Vcl.Menus.pas")
10/31/2021 11:44:46 AM: > [00649B65] Vcl.Menus.TMenu.DispatchCommand (Line 3489, "Vcl.Menus.pas")
10/31/2021 11:44:46 AM: > [0065CEDC] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.WMCommand
10/31/2021 11:44:46 AM: > [0054CEA6] Vcl.Controls.TControl.WndProc
10/31/2021 11:44:46 AM: > [00407370] System.@FreeMem
10/31/2021 11:44:46 AM: > [005519F1] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc
10/31/2021 11:44:46 AM: > [00409F6C] System.TMonitor.Enter
10/31/2021 11:44:46 AM: > [00610BF5] Vcl.Themes.TCustomStyleEngine.HookCBProc
10/31/2021 11:44:46 AM: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10/31/2021 12:01:33 PM: Bot paused
10/31/2021 12:02:50 PM: Bot removed from pause
10/31/2021 12:06:45 PM: Can’t hit the element with the cursor, Element class: "text coordinates x " tag: "INPUT" Id: "xCoordInput" HTML:<input type="text" maxlength="4" value="" name="x" id="xCoordInput" class="text coordinates x " onke
10/31/2021 12:06:45 PM: Selected screen coordinates X: "744" Y: "463
10/31/2021 12:06:45 PM: Client area X1: 722 Y1: 452 X2: 758 Y2: 475
10/31/2021 12:06:45 PM: Element below cursor, Element class: "text coordinates x " tag: "INPUT" Id: "xCoordInput" HTML:<input type="text" maxlength="4" value="" name="x" id="xCoordInput" class="text coordinates x " onke
10/31/2021 12:06:45 PM: Game task excutor exception - Cannot create file "C:\Program Files (x86)\UnitSender\Elite\accountname\\Antibot\10\31\2021 120645 PM.html". The system cannot find the path specified
Bot cannot send troops.

Re: Farm Not Working

Posted: 03 Nov 2021, 10:41
by Vlad
What type of farm do you use, bot farm list or selected gold club lists?
Also, are you sure that you have no problems with your Internet?
inihendry wrote: 31 Oct 2021, 14:08

Code: Select all

10/31/2021 11:42:52 AM: Error opening address ''!

Re: Farm Not Working

Posted: 03 Nov 2021, 12:34
by inihendry
Vlad wrote: 03 Nov 2021, 10:41 What type of farm do you use, bot farm list or selected gold club lists?
Also, are you sure that you have no problems with your Internet?
inihendry wrote: 31 Oct 2021, 14:08

Code: Select all

10/31/2021 11:42:52 AM: Error opening address ''!
Hi, tried both of them, not working.
and the internet is fine since i can import bot farmlist to gold club list.

Re: Farm Not Working

Posted: 03 Nov 2021, 14:42
by Vlad
Farm with the bot farm list fixed in Beta 5

Have no account with the gold club right now to check, so if selected gold club lists still doesn't works, give me to know

Re: Farm Not Working

Posted: 07 Nov 2021, 08:28
by inihendry
the bot stop working again.
cannot send troops, train troops, or build

Code: Select all

11/3/2021 7:00:18 PM: Bot paused
11/3/2021 7:09:21 PM: Server data synchronization started
11/3/2021 7:11:04 PM: Game task excutor exception - External exception 80000003
11/3/2021 7:13:19 PM: Started sending hero to the adventure
11/3/2021 7:15:26 PM: var elem = document.querySelector("HTML > BODY > DIV:nth-child(13) > DIV:nth-child(3) > DIV:nth-child(1) > DIV > DIV:nth-child(2) > DIV:nth-child(2)"); 
11/3/2021 7:17:49 PM: Started sending hero to the adventure
11/6/2021 8:20:36 PM: Game task excutor exception - Access violation at address 0FA6C776. Read of address 00000000
11/6/2021 8:23:08 PM: Farms search started
11/6/2021 8:31:09 PM: Started building of houses in the village of 
11/6/2021 8:34:05 PM: Started building of houses in the village of 
11/6/2021 8:35:13 PM: Started building of houses in the village of 
11/7/2021 1:13:52 PM: Started building of houses in the village of 
11/7/2021 1:16:54 PM: Can’t hit the element with the cursor, Element class: "buildingSlot8" tag: "path" Id: "" HTML:<path class="buildingSlot8" d="M45.5 92.9c-8 2-13.9 8.2-21.6 22.6-4.5 8.6-4.9 12.6-2.3 25.2.9 4.3 1.
11/7/2021 1:16:54 PM: Selected screen coordinates X: "345" Y: "266
11/7/2021 1:16:54 PM: Client area X1: 306 Y1: 235 X2: 385 Y2: 297
11/7/2021 1:16:54 PM: Element below cursor, Element class: "good level colorLayer gid4 buildingSlot8  level2" tag: "A" Id: "" HTML:<a href="/build.php?id=8" class="good level colorLayer gid4 buildingSlot8  level2"><div class="label
11/7/2021 1:16:54 PM: Game task excutor exception - Cannot create file "C:\Program Files\UnitSender\Elite\\Antibot\11\7\2021 11654 PM.html". The system cannot find the path specified
11/7/2021 1:17:01 PM: Started building of houses in the village of 
11/7/2021 1:21:32 PM: Game task excutor exception - Timeout while waiting for JavaScript result!

JS - var RetStr = "";var elem = document.getElementById("tp1"); if (elem) {  RetStr = myextension.getCssSelectorShort(elem);}myextension.sendresulttobrowser(RetStr, '{"MsgName":"T
11/7/2021 1:21:37 PM: Game task excutor exception - Timeout while waiting for JavaScript result!

JS - var RetStr = "";var elem = document.getElementById("tp1"); if (elem) {  RetStr = myextension.getCssSelectorShort(elem);}myextension.sendresulttobrowser(RetStr, '{"MsgName":"T
11/7/2021 1:21:42 PM: Game task excutor exception - Timeout while waiting for JavaScript result!

JS - var RetStr = "";var elem = document.getElementById("tp1"); if (elem) {  RetStr = myextension.getCssSelectorShort(elem);}myextension.sendresulttobrowser(RetStr, '{"MsgName":"T
11/7/2021 1:24:37 PM: Server data synchronization started
11/7/2021 1:24:56 PM: Game task excutor exception - Timeout while waiting for JavaScript result!

JS - var RetStr = "";var elem = document.getElementById("tp1"); if (elem) {  RetStr = myextension.getCssSelectorShort(elem);}myextension.sendresulttobrowser(RetStr, '{"MsgName":"T
11/7/2021 1:25:01 PM: Game task excutor exception - Timeout while waiting for JavaScript result!

JS - var RetStr = "";var elem = document.getElementById("tp1"); if (elem) {  RetStr = myextension.getCssSelectorShort(elem);}myextension.sendresulttobrowser(RetStr, '{"MsgName":"T
11/7/2021 1:25:06 PM: Game task excutor exception - Timeout while waiting for JavaScript result!

JS - var RetStr = "";var elem = document.getElementById("tp1"); if (elem) {  RetStr = myextension.getCssSelectorShort(elem);}myextension.sendresulttobrowser(RetStr, '{"MsgName":"T
11/7/2021 1:25:12 PM: Started ordering troops
11/7/2021 1:25:15 PM: Game task excutor exception - Timeout while waiting for JavaScript result!

JS - var RetStr = "";var elem = document.getElementById("tp1"); if (elem) {  RetStr = myextension.getCssSelectorShort(elem);}myextension.sendresulttobrowser(RetStr, '{"MsgName":"T
11/7/2021 1:25:20 PM: Game task excutor exception - Timeout while waiting for JavaScript result!

JS - var RetStr = "";var elem = document.getElementById("tp1"); if (elem) {  RetStr = myextension.getCssSelectorShort(elem);}myextension.sendresulttobrowser(RetStr, '{"MsgName":"T
11/7/2021 1:25:25 PM: Game task excutor exception - Timeout while waiting for JavaScript result!

JS - var RetStr = "";var elem = document.getElementById("tp1"); if (elem) {  RetStr = myextension.getCssSelectorShort(elem);}myextension.sendresulttobrowser(RetStr, '{"MsgName":"T
11/7/2021 1:25:30 PM: Game task excutor exception - Timeout while waiting for JavaScript result!

JS - var RetStr = "";var elem = document.getElementById("tp1"); if (elem) {  RetStr = myextension.getCssSelectorShort(elem);}myextension.sendresulttobrowser(RetStr, '{"MsgName":"T
11/7/2021 1:25:35 PM: Game task excutor exception - Timeout while waiting for JavaScript result!

JS - var RetStr = "";var elem = document.getElementById("tp1"); if (elem) {  RetStr = myextension.getCssSelectorShort(elem);}myextension.sendresulttobrowser(RetStr, '{"MsgName":"T
11/7/2021 1:25:37 PM: Started sending troops
11/7/2021 1:25:46 PM: Game task excutor exception - Timeout while waiting for JavaScript result!

JS - var RetStr = "";var elem = document.getElementById("tp1"); if (elem) {  RetStr = myextension.getCssSelectorShort(elem);}myextension.sendresulttobrowser(RetStr, '{"MsgName":"T
11/7/2021 1:25:51 PM: Game task excutor exception - Timeout while waiting for JavaScript result!

JS - var RetStr = "";var elem = document.getElementById("tp1"); if (elem) {  RetStr = myextension.getCssSelectorShort(elem);}myextension.sendresulttobrowser(RetStr, '{"MsgName":"T
11/7/2021 1:25:56 PM: Game task excutor exception - Timeout while waiting for JavaScript result!

JS - var RetStr = "";var elem = document.getElementById("tp1"); if (elem) {  RetStr = myextension.getCssSelectorShort(elem);}myextension.sendresulttobrowser(RetStr, '{"MsgName":"T
11/7/2021 1:26:02 PM: Started building of houses in the village of KENARI
11/7/2021 1:26:07 PM: Game task excutor exception - Timeout while waiting for JavaScript result!

JS - var RetStr = "";var elem = document.getElementById("tp1"); if (elem) {  RetStr = myextension.getCssSelectorShort(elem);}myextension.sendresulttobrowser(RetStr, '{"MsgName":"T

Re: Farm Not Working

Posted: 08 Nov 2021, 14:32
by Vlad
Chrome hangs :(
Currently have no ideas how to fix this buggy browser(

Re: Farm Not Working

Posted: 09 Nov 2021, 03:28
by inihendry
So this is a known bug, ya?
I think the chrome hang due to lack of resources (ram / cpu) since the error only occurs in low end machine (win 7 ultimate, dual core cpu, 4gb ram).

Re: Farm Not Working

Posted: 09 Nov 2021, 11:39
by Vlad
Chrome is just a bunch of bugs
I am not the author of chrome and cannot tell if this one depends on computer performance
While it is necessary to eliminate errors in the bot itself, then I will already think about chrome bugs

Re: Farm Not Working

Posted: 09 Nov 2021, 15:53
by inihendry
tried on different pc (win10, 6c 12t cpu, 16gb ram) its works fine.
it just you'll need to repair some visual bugs, and the unit sender often send 1 troops only :(

Re: Farm Not Working

Posted: 09 Nov 2021, 16:31
by Vlad
What is your keyboard layout?
Try to switch to English