Travian Bot

Services that can help in Travian

We have developed and offer to everyone absolutely free search of elephants, oases and crop cells across all servers Travian! – search elephants in Travian – search croppers – statistics of...

Travian tournament 2015 – elephants & croppers

How to find elephants and croppers on Travian tournament 2015 servers? In the qualifying tournament started several group servers: Group A, B, C, D, E. TT Group A – group A consists of servers:...

Temporary outages

Yesterday, June 11, access to the site was difficult due to technical problems at the provider. Within a few hours the problem was resolved. If you still get the error “No connection to the...

Travian Bot

  • Added the ability to wear items on the hero before and after sending to the adventure
  • Added ability to disable bot HTTP cache

We accept PayPal

We are expanding the list of possible ways to pay. Today added the ability to pay by PayPal. Enjoy the game 🙂

Travian Bot

  • In view of farm search results added buttons exclusion/inclusion of alliances/players
  • Added the ability to link lists Gold Club for sequential shipment at a set interval
  • For Elite Travian 4 added the ability to specify a different interval for sending lists of club